Terms of Service

thecrest.news is a news organization for the University of St. Thomas community and surrounding communities. Please read the following terms of service carefully and follow the guidelines for using this website. If you do not wish to agree to these conditions, do not use this website.

All information posted will be as up to date as possible, but some posts may become inaccurate over time. The Crest can add, change, remove or suspend all content at any time without prior notice.

Changes to Terms of Service. The Crest reserves the right to change these Terms of Service. We will post changes here, so check back periodically. If you choose to continue to continue using thecrest.news, you agree to and must abide by such changes. If you disagree with changes, or become dissatisfied with The Crest, your only alternative is to stop using the website.

Fees and Charges. thecrest.news will charge no fees for the basic uses of the website. The Crest still reserves the right at any time to charge fees for access to portions of the website. You will not be charged unless we obtain your prior agreement to pay any given charges.

Content. All materials published on thecrest.news, including but not limited to articles, photographs, illustrations, graphics, audio and video clips, and advertising copy, are protected by copyright and owned by The Crest.

Use of Content. You may use The Crest content online and solely for your personal, non-commercial use, and you may download or print a copy of any portion of the content for your personal, non-commercial use, provided you do not remove any trademark, copyright, or other notice contained in or on such content.

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The Crest Comment Section Guidelines

At The Crest, we strive to provide a flourishing moderated online forum that supports community connection and discourse, and we find value in hosting responses via online comments related to our coverage. The Crest welcomes advice, criticism, questions and unique insights. With these goals in mind, we will adhere to the following guidelines when approving comments to be published to our site:

  1. Real names are required in order to leave a comment. As a news organization, The Crest avoids keeping our sources anonymous, and the same transparency is extended to our comments section.
  2. Comments of more than 250 words will not be published. Comments of this length can clog up the response section and make the discussion hard to follow for other readers. If you have a comment of this length, please feel free to email it directly to the author or submit it to the opinions editor as a letter to the editor.
  3. Hate speech and discriminatory language based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, economic status, religion or culture will not be allowed. Name-calling, personal attacks (including those against our staff), profanity and SHOUTING are also not permitted. This includes attempts to curse with dashes, special characters (@!#) or spacing.
  4. Comment sections are moderated by the executive staff at The Crest. Staff members will review comments for an article up to one week after it has been posted. After that, the comment section will be closed and moderators will move on to more recent coverage.
  5. Promoting, selling or advertising through the comment section is not allowed.

We welcome feedback on this policy via email to any member of our executive staff. Thank you.

Gillian Farinella, Executive Director – gefarinella@stthomas.edu
Miles Schiffer, Assignment Editor – schi9629@stthomas.edu
Anya Capistrant-Kinney, Managing Editor – capi2087@stthomas.edu

See also Prohibited Uses of The Crest section below.

Prohibited uses of thecrest.news. As a thecrest.news user, you agree not to use its content for any unlawful purposes. The Crest wants to create two-way communication between our readers and staff members. Therefore, comments on stories are encouraged. However, The Crest aims to create a respectful discussion; offensive statements will not be allowed. The Crest staff reserves the right to remove comments that are racist, sexist, homophobic or otherwise inappropriate; that threaten or defame; or that aren’t relevant to the piece posted on. Posts containing viruses and destructive files are prohibited.

Terms last updated on November 14, 2023.