Code of Ethics

Mission. The Crest aims to report fairly, accurately and with integrity at all levels of the organization.

Obligation. The Crest has an obligation first, and foremost, to the students of the University of St. Thomas. We will report for and seek the unbiased truth for the students in a timely matter that will never compromise the integrity and quality of reporting. Ethical standards conform to those in the official policy statement for student media.

Truth. The Crest will:

  • Constantly seek the truth and the whole story.
  • Report the truth and never distort the facts.
  • Never alter images, quotes or content in a way that is misleading.
  • Never plagiarize
  • Clearly attribute information to the appropriate source.
  • Clearly label opinion and commentary, making a clear difference between the two for readers.

Fairness. The Crest will:

  • Present news fairly and impartially.
  • Prohibit staff members from reporting on events, sports or organizations that they are related to, in any way.
  • Present diverse opinions from all sides of an issue to create an unbiased and fair story.

Confidentiality. The Crest will:

  • Identify sources whenever possible.
  • Use confidential sources only when the source is in danger of consequential harm or the confidentiality is necessary for public interest. Staff members will keep all promises to confidential sources to protect privacy.
  • Report the name of confidential sources to designated editors, advisers and The Crest director.
  • Reporters will always question a source’s motive if anonymity is requested.

Sources. The Crest will:

  • Always treat sources respectfully.
  • Not publish the name of someone who is arrested but instead wait to publish the name only after a formal charge has been made.
  • Only use group identifiers such as race, religion and orientation when it is relevant and necessary to the story.

Professionalism. The Crest members will:

  • Keep stories confidential (and that includes posting any information on social networking sites) until the story has been officially posted on the The Crest Web site.
  • Never use alcohol or drugs while on assignment or on the clock.
  • Understand they represent the organization at all times and therefore proper respectful behavior will be expected.
  • Treat other staff members with respect. Sexual harassment or non-sexual harassment of any kind will not tolerated.
  • Not accept gifts or favors from news sources or advertising clients.

Accountability. The Crest will:

  • Disclose conflicts or perceived conflicts of interest.
  • Willingly listen to readers’ or sources’ complaints or concerns.
  • Promptly and accurately correct errors.

Advertising. TommieMedia Ad Sales Staff:

  • Won’t promise clients news coverage of any type, especially preferential coverage.
  • Make clear to clients that news staff leaders make news decisions, although ad sales staff may pass along story ideas.
  • Treat all clients fairly but respect the need for occasional client confidentiality.

Ethics last updated on September 4, 2024.