Editor’s Opinion: Reflecting on the Welcome Weeks of my past

With the start of the school year came Welcome Week for some frazzled-looking first-years, inspiring reflection on the Welcome Weeks of my past. If you don’t believe me when I tell you that I’m a senior (graduating in May, baby!), I’ll give you a hint. We still had to wear masks everywhere during my first year at St. Thomas (which some of you may be wanting to do once Dorm Plague starts going around). I’m only 21 and I’ve already reached geezer status. 

Reflecting on campus life from my Minneapolis apartment, I blurrily remember the social anxiety of doing awkward icebreakers with strangers all week. I wish I could tell you that one of those strangers I met became my best friend. Anyway, it’s all for the sake of building up social skills because everyone is completely fried from dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. So, to all the scared freshies out there: it’ll be OK. Just don’t ask to go to the bathroom during class. No one does that in college.

The most I’ve learned about myself since 2021 me back then is confidence in young adulthood. Overall confidence, it seems, to start writing these editor’s notes, because why not? My three years with TommieMedia/The Crest finally paid off and I’m rubbing it in!

So, freshies, in case you missed them, check out our First-year Survival Guides by Features Editor Kevin Lynch and I. I’ve been around here forever and I know my stuff. Kevin may be only a sophomore, but as an Illinois implant, he’s discovered more of the Twin Cities than most native Minnesotans I know. 

Also, check out our story on the football season kickoff. More to come!

Take these guides and remember that beyond the arches of St. Thomas and the drama of Welcome Week, we live in an interesting city. Explore what it has to offer! Do your homework and smell the flowers- they’ll start wilting to make room for winter snow soon. 

Anya Capistrant-Kinney can be reached at capi2087@stthomas.edu.