Video Packages

  • Ducklings hatch outside Frey Hall before finals week

    Ducklings hatch outside Frey Hall before finals week

    After students spotted a duck nesting outside Frey Hall, the University of St. Thomas found itself as the temporary home to a new batch of ducklings on May 8, just ahead of finals week. Owen Larson has the story. Owen Larson can be reached at

  • St. Thomas sophomore to compete in world powerlifting championships

    St. Thomas sophomore to compete in world powerlifting championships

    St. Thomas sophomore Matt Schraith balances being a student with training for the FISU World University Championship Powerlifting meet in Estonia in July. Adam Mueller can be reached at

  • A day in the life of a seminarian

    A day in the life of a seminarian

    The sunrise is a familiar sight for Andrew Zipp. A senior at the St. John Vianney Seminary, Zipp is up almost every morning by 6:15 for the seminary’s holy hour, usually followed by Mass. After, it’s off to breakfast with the other seminarians, then to classes, exercise and homework before an evening prayer gathering. Despite…

  • Couples use technology to maintain long-distance relationships

    Couples use technology to maintain long-distance relationships

    With the help of smartphones and computers, long-distance communication has become effortless. According to St. Thomas communication and journalism professor Carol Bruess, who has studied families and couples in the digital age, the use of technology has made it easier for individuals to make long-distance relationships work. “Over the last couple decades, no question, more…

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PODCAST: Keep The Ball Rolling- April 9th

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PODCAST: The News Brief-April 30th

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PODCAST: The News Brief- April 16th